Sunday, December 9, 2012

3:25 AM Update

During the pitstop/driver change from Terry to Mike, a problem with the right rear was recognized but not identified.  Mike left hotpits for his stint but the car was undriveable.   After returning the car to the paddock for closer inspection it was discovered that the right rear wheel bearing gave up its life and in doing so caused the brake rotor to split from the rotor hat.  

The repair took just under an hour and Mike is now back on track.  Team ORP lost several spots due to the repairs dropping the team from 17th overall to 35th overall, a drop of roughly 34 laps to our competition. 


  1. Ok guys, it's time for an update. I just saw a 5 plus minute pit stop!

  2. We are watching live in-car from the #26 Miata directly in front of you guys. So make sure you take him so we can watch the #1 Bimmer live from behind! 7:23AM

  3. 5 minute stop included driver change, 30 gallons of fuel and new tires. Rick is out now setting great times. The car had been a handful to drive all race long but after changing the bad wheel bearing Mike says the car feels a lot more reassuring and that it was easier and more fun/rewarding to drive fast. Mike says his stint (which ended at 7am) was one of the best stints he's ever driven in an enduro.
